name: Captain MC-DJ

I'm Captain MC-DJ (that's em-see-dee-jay for all you ■s out there). I'm currently co-piloting my starship in a quest to discover the Mandala of Yggrasill, the key to the universe, through music and poetry. This musical project is known by the name Northeastern Quadrant; a reference to our primordial homeland. Piloting duties are split equally between myself and co-pilot, Sir Supersonic -- I only get to be the captain because I own the ship.

origin: gHister-9

A small moon orbiting the gas giant, Jotun, in the northeastern quadrant of the Tarantula Nebula, which in turn is part of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a close galactic neighbor your own Milky Way Galaxy.

starship: Freyja's Tears

A capable vessel, even if a little outdated.

station: sub-tronics

Duties aboard the starship Freyja's Tears include keyboards, sequencing, mixing and driving drum-n-bass. Equipment includes Yamaha CS6X synthesizer/controller, E-MU PX7 module, Boomerang phrase-sampler, Blue dynamic microphone and other bits and pieces I've picked up and built along the way.